Rolling In Fast to 2022

Somehow we are already nearing the end of January. How did that happen so fast? This year started off so odd too. After what seemed like a pretty successful start to the school year and fall Covid-wise, I feel like everyone we know started to drop like flies with it. We THANKFULLY have not encountered it directly in our family although my kids did have a symptom here and there (since October). These intermittent symptoms have lead to them missing more than our fair share of school and January was no different for that. My heart goes out to the families where both parents, or even the single parent, is working full time. Juggling so many of your child’s ‘sick’ days with trying to work a full schedule sounds unbelievably stressful. My unfortunate health situation has forced me to continue my employment at home (insert laugh/crying emoji) – I am not so sure anyone would want to hire someone who needs every third Monday off for treatment, the Friday prior to each said Monday for blood work, and the odd scan and appointment thrown in here and there just for fun. Star employee right there! Luckily, while we do appear to have lots of friends with Covid, or Delta, or Omnicron, whatever it may be, everyone seems to be fairing okay and only enduring cold symptoms. So thank goodness for that! As we forge forward out of January, never my favourite month, my kids are already expressing excitement for Valentines Day. So with that being said, I thought I would round up some favourites to share.

A few things my kids would love to be getting in light of the holiday of love…

These sweet panties from The Gap for Miss Hallie

These cute Bear PJs caught my eye for Jackson but I am a sucker for matching PJs so it is likely they will both get them!

This adorable ‘stuffy’ for Jackson and this rug for Hallie because my girl loves her bedroom decor

How cute are these sparkly matching Letter Pens & Keychains with each of the letters of their names

Anyone else children just a tiny bit obsessed with Pop-Its? These are cute for both boys and girls. Well all needs some rainbows in our lives too.

For the munchies, I am determined to recreate this masterpiece…. though it is so pretty it might be too hard to eat!

I also just randomly discovered this online shop and it has TONS of cute stuff, but really loving this Ball Cap for Hallie and I. This crewneck is perfect as well.

I always like to do something sweet for Valentines for my husband as well, though I am not quite sure what that will be yet!

Oh and the perfect Valentines blend in your diffuser – Wintergreen and Orange. It will make the room smell like candy hearts I promise you!

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